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Monday 13 August 2012

Repent of Sin and Repent of Religion.

Most people don’t want to repent of their sin because they don’t want to become religious but there’s a difference between Religion and the Gospel.
  1. Religion says if you’ll obey God then He’ll love you (i.e. God doesn’t love you unless you make Him by doing good things) but the Gospel says because God loves you then you want to obey Him (i.e. God can’t love you anymore or less but you want to obey Him because you know He loves you).
  2. Religion says the world is filled with Good people and Bad people but the Gospel says the world is filled with Bad people and Jesus.
  3. Religion says that hardship is punishment from God but the Gospel says God does not punish us because Jesus was punished for us but in love He corrects us.
  4. Religious people tend to use God for one reason or the other but the Gospel is not about getting from God it’s about getting God.
  5. Religion focuses on visible sin; hence it has lots of external rules about how everyone should look and behave but the Gospel is less about the visible and more about the invisible.
  6. Religion is about self-righteousness but the Gospel is about gift-righteousness (2nd Corinthians 5: 21); so it’s not about me but Jesus or the life I’ve lived but the life He lived or the sacrifice I need to make but the sacrifice He’s made.
  7. Religion ends up in either pride or despair but the Gospel leads to humility and joy.

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