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Monday 13 August 2012

Making Decisions According to Purpose

Effective thinking is thinking from effect to cause, and not the other way around (cause and effect). I will expand on this statement in the lines that follow.  Making decisions is something that we do on a daily basis. Some decisions have little effect on the overarching outcomes in our lives, while others influence greatly the way our story will go. Amazingly people pay little or no attention to developing skills that ensure that the decisions made are the right ones.  Just one decision could influence and change so much in time. Imagine that i decide to study in AUSTRALIA for example. I could get there, get married, have kids and now these kids will be citizens of Australia, creating a new lineage entirely, that could influence the lives of my kids their education will be different, the friends they will make will be different. They will grow up to learn different cultures and languages. A lot will change trust me, but these changes only came about as a result of the seemingly small decision I made to study in Australia.
 We all at some point in our lives have tried to figure out what next. After staying in college for four years, what next? After being a pastor or a life coach twenty five years, what next? We have all gotten to the point in our lives when we have to figure out the next step to take. At this point, there is always the temptation to do the usual, to follow the norm. To stay around what is known and has been practiced for a long while now. The Nigerian Graduate is tempted to go straight in search of a job, even when he or she knows that they are not the kind people made to sit on a job 8-5.
 Truth is we have to learn to think from effect to cause. We have to be able to see the big picture (our purpose) and then that determines what we should do next, and not the norms. Your goals and purpose should tell you what to do first in life or what to do next. And even if it is not popular, still do it. The next right thing to do is the thing that will effectively lead to achieve your goal (the big picture). The first thing is always a function of what a person has in mind as his/her final product.
 I have basically said in this note clearly, everyone should try to find out what their unique purpose is and let that determine what you do first, what you will do next and the steps you will take. Take the courageous steps towards your purpose even though it is not celebrated, as long as it leads you to where you are going it is fine.
 The education that we receive should play a vital role in making us thinks critically out of the box, do things differently. We should not have people sticking to something because society says we should. Create new ways of getting things done. Your PURPOSE IN LIFE SHOULD DETERMINE THE NEXT STEP YOU WILL TAKE.
 Finally our purpose starts and ends with God. Education does not lead us to purpose, it is only one of the tools that can be harnessed to make us better people. Direction comes through the Spirit and anyone who truly becomes a student of the Holy Spirit will never fail in life.

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