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Monday, 13 August 2012

Poured Out!

John 3 v 30 - He must increase, but i must decrease.

Now more than ever, we need Jesus to increase in our lives. Sadly many of us want him to increase, but are not willing to decrease. We want him to have his way in our lives, as long as his way corresponds to ours. We give him all of our lives and then incrementally begin to take it back.

But like John, we must be strangers to our will; POURED OUT TO NOTHINGNESS! We must decrease so that he can increase, we must let go of the wheel so he can take the drivers' seat. Imagine a car being driven by two people, that car is heading for a crash! if you want him to increase, you must become a Living Sacrifice - sacrificing your will and dying to yourself each day.

Less of you and more of him! Let Go of your pride and your ego, of your will and control.
Let God truly be the LORD of your life.

God bless

The Most Beautiful Flower

The Most Beautiful Flower

The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read

Beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree.

Disillusioned by life with good reason to frown,

For the world was intent on dragging me down.

And if that weren't enough to ruin my day,

A young boy out of breath approached me, all tired from play

He stood right before me with his head tilted down

And said with great excitement, "Look what I found!"

In his hand was a flower, and what a pitiful sight,

With its petals all worn - not enough rain, or too little light.

Wanting him to take his dead flower and go off to play,

I faked a small smile and then shifted away.

But instead of retreating, he sat next to my side

And placed the flower to his nose

And declared with overacted surprise,

"It sure smells pretty and it's beautiful, too.

That's why I picked it; here, it's for you."

The weed before me was dying or dead.

Not vibrant of colors: orange, yellow or red.

But I knew I must take it, or he might never leave.

So I reached for the flower, and replied, "Just what I need."

but instead of him placing the flower in my hand,

He held it mid-air without reason or plan.

It was then that I noticed for the very first time

That weed-toting boy could not see: he was blind.

I heard my voice quiver; tears shone in the sun

As I thanked him for picking the very best one.

"You're welcome," he smiled, and then ran off to play,

Unaware of the impact he'd had on my day.

I sat there and wondered how he managed to see

A self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree.

How did he know of my self-indulged plight?

Perhaps from his heart, he'd been blessed with true sight.

Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see

The problem was not with the world; the problem was me.

And for all of those times I myself had been blind,

I vowed to see the beauty in life,

And appreciate every second that's mine.

And then I held that wilted flower up to my nose

And breathed in the fragrance of a beautiful rose

And smiled as I watched that young boy, Another weed in his hand,

About to change the life of an unsuspecting old man.

Waste Land

Everything is vanity and all that delight in it is dead.
It’s a land with men ignorant of their own death; they still think they are alive and rocking the show with the money, cars and mansions…
Oh Foolish man!!! You call me dead, boring and stupid; your wisdom is only a filthy rag.
I offer you life that you may thirst no more but you still try to fill yourself with emptiness which can never satisfy, don’t you know I am the only true source; I am the Resurrection and the Life ! ! !
Come to me and let me fill you.
I will never leave you or forsake you, the darkness has no hope or future for you only an eternity of pain and suffering but I am your Light and Salvation.
Come to me.

Girls Need To Realize: Written like i was a Guy!!!

We don't care if you're friends with other guys.

But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.

It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there.

We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS< you,
but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned..

Nothing is that important at 2 am
That it can't wait till the morning.

Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/
cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.

Don't tell us we're wrong.

We'll stop trying to convince you

The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.

Yeah, you can quote me.

Don't be mad when we hold the door open

Take Advantage of the mood I'm in.

Let us pay for you!
dont "feel bad"
We enjoy doing it.

It's expected.

Smile and say "thank you.

Kiss us when no one's watching.

If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed.

You don't have to get dressed up for us.

If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to
wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own.

We like you for who you are and not what you are.

Honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's.

or my tshirt and boxers, not all dolled up.

Don't take everything we say seriously.

Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.

Don't get angry easily.

Stop using magazines/media
as your bible.

Don't talk about how hott Chris Brown,
Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in front of us

It's boring, and we don't care. You have girlfriends for that.

Whatever happened to the word "handsome"
I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me
with "Hey handsome!" instead of "Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy" or whatever else you can think of.

On the other hand I'm not saying I wouldn't like it ether ;)

Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, dont wait for him to change!!!!!

Ditch his sorry ass, disgrace to the male population
and find someone who will treat you with utter respect
Someone who will honor your morals.

Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.

Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.

Someone who will stop what they're doing just to look you in the eyes....and say "i love you" ..and actually mean it.

Give the nice guys a chance.

let it go.........

There are people who can walk away from you.

And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you:
let them walk. I don't want you to try to talk another person into
staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to
see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk. Your destiny is
never tied to anybody that left.

The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made
manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt
they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]

People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are
not joined to you, you can't make them stay.

Let them go.

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means that
their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's
part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the
dead. You've got to know when it's dead.

You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something. I've got
the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in
good-bye.. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I
know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it
takes too much sweat I don't need it. Stop begging people to stay.

Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was
never intended for your life, then you need to......


If you are holding on to past hurts and pains .......


If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth.....


If someone has angered you.


If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge.....


If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction... ..


If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents


If you! u have a bad attitude.... ...


If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......


If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new
level in Him........


If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship. ....


If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help
themselves.. ....


If you're feeling depressed and stressed ...........


If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling
yourself and God is saying 'take your hands off of it,' then you need



Your dreams can come thru
If u believe it
And strive in whatever u do
And U'll achieve it

U might live in the project
U might be a social reject
U can be what u want in any aspect
Make it and gain worldwide acclaim n' respect

Believe u can sing as good as Tina turner
That u can possess oratory skills like (Dr King) Martin Luther
Forget about life's obstacles n' drama
A good example of all of the above is BARACK OBAMA

The Lost coin: You are Valuable

Hello Friend,

This article written by me I believe is going to transform your life. I encourage you to patiently read through it.
She kept searching for her coin after it had mistakenly fallen off her hand the previous day. She swept the hidden spots of her house clean to find the lost coin, but still, she couldn’t find it. Like the woman, most of us search for that which is lost in our lives. We become disappointed and heartbroken when all our efforts in searching for that lost COIN ends up unfruitful. You alone know what your COIN is- it may be your heart, a friend or even YOU. What this woman knew was even though the coin was lost, it had not lost its VALUE it had just lost its USEFULNESS because nothing can be purchased with a loss coin.   The truth is you cannot help anyone when you are lost. You cannot fulfill your mission in life when you are lost. You cannot help your family or friends when you are lost, and somebody has to care enough about you to put a light in a very dark place. When you are caught in the crevices of life and can’t figure out how to get out, you need somebody that’s going to care enough about you to show you the way out.

I know it’s hard to be your TRUE you again after you may have been wounded by circumstances .But friend; you can’t remain in that broken place, that dark and unfriendly chasm. You’ve got to find your way back, you’ve got to come out from that ditch and be USEFUL once more, and the only way you can be found is to GIVE YOURSELF AWAY- give yourself away to your creator. You have got to find a way back to God so He can show you the way through life. Open up and allow him heal that broken part of you. You are valuable and the only way you can be USEFUL is to FOUND again.

I want you to say to yourself that “I am VALUABLE, I may have lost myself but I am coming back again with the help of God.”



Few days ago, I told you two major things that are needed to enable you achieve your set goals are DISCIPLINE and ACTION! You might have come across several steps/processes that enable you accomplish your goal.

These steps are nice and wonderful because I use some of them as well. I just thought about it a few days ago and I asked myself – Why do people not achieve their goals? They write them down, envision and all that. A year later, those goals are still written in paper unaccomplished! The big question is ‘WHY’? DISCPLINE and ACTION!

Over the next few days, I would break this down with you, so please stay with me. Let’s start with discipline! I am sure we all know its definition, so I’d just break this down for us.

For me personally, time is the most expensive currency in the world! The value of the dollar, pound, and euro go up and down, but the value of time is constant. You can lose money in a business and get back even more, but once time is lost, it never comes back. This is one thing lot of people waste more than anything in the world.

If you want to be very successful and achieve your goals, TIME MANAGEMENT can never be over-emphasized. We waste precious time on many irrelevant things. Earlier, I had likened time to money so let me use that analogy to buttress my point. You would agree with me that good money management requires that you have a budget every time.

As salary earners or business owners, you do not make your budget after you’ve received money. Just like someone said, “Money is a good servant, but a terrible master”. You need to plan ahead, so that your money can be used well and effectively. The same goes with time. You need to plan your time ahead.

Sometimes, we do a “TO-DO LIST” for a day, week or month. We end up not accomplishing all because we do not allocate time ahead for these activities. For example, if you are to design a proposal, you should allocate some time to it for its completion depending on the scope of the proposal. This gives you a sense of responsibility and sense of urgency. When you do not, you might spend the whole day on it. At the end of the day, you might have finished it, but at the expense of other relevant things that you would have set to accomplish.

Let me give you a personal example, I started working with a prestigious company in Ajah a few months ago. I live on the mainland so you can imagine the distance from my house to the office. The first week, I noticed that I used to get to work a little late. I was to resume at 9am, so I figured that if I leave my house by 7:30, I would make it to work latest 9am on the dot. That did not work out as I got to work almost at 10am that day.

The next day I left by 7am, I still got late to work. The next day, I tried 6:30am and it was almost the same thing. I got to work before 9am, but tired. This is because of our regular Lagos traffic. This continued for a while, I would get to work before 9am, tired and that would definitely affect my productivity for that day. This can also have a rippling effect on my health as well.

One of my great strengths is that, I do not like complaining; I like solutions! I told myself, I have to figure a way out of this. Everyday, I would get to work tired and come back home tired, Haba!

I decided that henceforth, I would leave my house by 5:15am so that I can get to the office earlier. The first day I tried it, I got to the office at 6:20am. So I decided to continue that way. This is where discipline comes in. I sleep late every night because I read a lot at night, but I ensure I wake up at 4:30am to prepare and leave at the scheduled time. That way, I get to the office on time, not feeling tired or stressed. The days I still feel sleepy, I sleep either in my car or inside my office till it’s time for work.

On the other days, I either start work immediately or use the time to pray and study my Bible. Since, I resume early, I also ensure that I try to finish all I was to do in good time in order for me to leave the office early and avoid serious evening traffic. The days, I do not leave early, I stay back at work till late night and leave when the traffic has subsided.

I am very sure that this does not sound new to a lot of you, but stay with me because I want to add a little twist to this and at the same time buttress its importance.

Due to my kind of work, part of my written down goals entails daily practice on speaking, reading, presentation and writing skills. I have a plan to pray for at least two hours daily. Under normal conditions, this might not be achievable on a daily basis because ideally coming back from work might be very cumbersome. At the end of the year, I might be able to give a justifiable reason for not accomplishing these set goals. The big question is this – who bears the loss? It’s definitely me! So what did I do? I strategized!

I discipline myself to leave for work by 5:15am. I by-pass traffic hold-up and I have one hour before work. That is a good time to pray right? I always carry my books in my car. The days I do not leave early, I stay back in the office and either read or practice any of the skills I am working on. What am I doing? I am making good use of time irrespective of the challenge of traffic hold-ups. If I join traffic hold-up in the evenings, I get tired, angry and exhausted. Once I get home, I jump into bed and doze off till morning.

You might say- it’s because I have the liberty of staying back in the office or maybe flexibility of leaving at my own convenience. If you are to join a staff bus, colleague’s car or public transport, it does not matter. Carry your book along with you and read en-route. If you had exams, you would never tell them to be lenient with you because you are working.

All I am saying in essence is this; the goals you’ve set for yourself are possible to achieve. Identify the foreseen obstacles and proffer a way out of them ahead of time. Be disciplined to work at it. Make great use of time. Sometimes, we waste a lot of time on irrelevant things. We equally waste too much time on relevant things like I said earlier, because we do not schedule our time.

Allocate time to your personal “to do” list. Whatever you want to do, ensure you give it a date and time. For example, if you are reading a book, give yourself a target. You can say “I would finish reading this book within a week”. Do not stop there; break it down into daily time limits. “I would read three chapters a day” (depending on the size of the book). This way, you can easily judge if you are on track or not and have some level of responsibility to accomplishing this goal. Be disciplined to stick to it.

The beautiful thing is that this timing issue has a serious reflection on your personality. While we grew up, my Dad would always ensure we leave early for Church church on Sundays. Service was to start by 8:45am, but he would ensure we leave by 7am. Our Church was less than 30 minutes from the house, imagine! As kids, it always “peppered” us because we could not understand this. As we grew older, we had better understanding.

When you understand your environment, it is important you plan around it. In Lagos, when planning to go somewhere, you must always consider traffic as well. That was what my Dad always told us and he always lived it. If you invite my Dad to speak in your church and the service starts by 9am, be sure he’d be in your church by 8: 30am.

I remember the story he told us of a wonderful man of God they invited to his church on two occasions. The program would start by 6pm and even by 8pm, he would not have arrived. Everyone got a little bit tensed and worried. The man later came, preached powerfully, but was not invited again.

Also, if you are to give a presentation for 45 minutes, do not spend 55 minutes, no matter how interesting and hot you feel your presentation is. Like I said earlier, plan each point and allocate time ahead. People have greater value and respect for you when they see that you are a stickler to time.

I like to close with this statement, “Time is the most expensive currency in the world, have great value for it and spend it wisely. You would profit in the end”

 I would move on to other aspects of discipline as we move along in this series.

What is Holiness?

I endeavor to deal on the subject of holiness because many have no proper understanding of what it means to be holy. Many in the world today always talk about living a holy life. But really, what are they talking about? It is when you do something right that makes you holy and when you do something wrong that makes you unholy?

Now let me share a thought with you. Remember the story of Moses when the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush, and the bush was not consumed. And that got Moses' attention. But as Moses drew nearer to the bush, God told me to remove the shoes from his feet, because where he was standing is holy ground.  Let's look at another illustration, in Joshua 5:15, the captain of the Lord's host (referring to the Holy Ghost), told Joshua to remove the shoes from his feet; for the place he was standing is holy. And Joshua did so, the bible says. Now I like to ask you a question, what did the ground do to become holy because God himself called it holy?

You know one of the things that many don't understand yet as Christians is that we are saints. Now some people can't accept that because they are looking at the wrong things. They are looking at the things they did wrong and did right. Isn't this very sad? In Ephesians 4:11-12(AMP), "And His gifts were[varied; He himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock), and teachers. His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body(the church),".

So Paul being inspired by God's Spirit is telling us that the saints (His set apart ones) are not perfect people but perfecting people. This is very vital. If we understand this, it will show us who we really are. That is why we have all this spiritual offices just for the work of the ministry. Now let me define what holiness really is from what Jesus has taught me.

Holiness is a place. It is a condition. When God santifies a person, place or just anything, that place, person or whatever is called HOLY. To santify means to separate from other things and set apart to yourself. Separating to yourself and from others are two different things. When God's presence comes on a place, that place is called holy because it is separated unto himself. The temple of God in the old was called holy because He separated it unto himself where he would meet with them. Holiness is a place in God. When God separates you unto himself. You are called holy (Ezra 8:28). Every child of God all around the world is holy. We are children of God and are santified by the Spirit of God unto himself. That's our condition and we are supposed to perpetually be in a perpetual state of holiness (I Peter 1:16). How? Because we continually live and dwell in him. If you are in God's presence, that's the place of holiness and the sanctified condition of your life. This is the only way to be holy.

This is the reason God called the ground holy. Because of His presence on that place. Now think about it, God is holy and cannot dwell, stay, accept anything that is not holy. But you claim that God's Spirit abides in you. For the main reason that he abides in you, shows you that you are holy, a saint. Wow! Which means that you can boldly confess that you are holy not because of what you did right but because he lives in you and you dwell in his presence.

A Pencil's Ability.

We are nothing but pencil's in the hands of the creator... famous from super story right? I bet you have seen one of those interesting episodes :)... But let me tell you a "real super story" As you read this note, your story is bound to change, if you take it to heart. O, I pray that you take it to heart and enjoy all the benefits of being " a smart pencil"! You may need your bible for this, so kindly get one or checkout Read isaiah 55 then fellow my lead.
Ready! let go!!!

Isaiah 55: 2... listen to me and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food. I believe this message is strongly linked with the infailability of God's word expressed in verse 11 of the same chapter, It is the same with my word, I send it forth and it always produces fruits. It will accomplish all I want it to and it will proper anywhere I send it. Verse 4 says see how I used Him to display my power among the peoples. I made him a leader among the nations. Verse 5, you also will command nations you do not know , and peoples unknown to you will come running to obey... check out Psalm 18 see what God meant in Isaiah 3 ... i will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David (it's quite lengthy though but it sure is wort it) ... I believe it's because David  answered this call that's is why he attained these kinda heights, he knew he was thirsty and he trusted God to fulfill everything He said in his life if he came with he's ears wide open to listen to God's word. Are you really hungry like myself? Just obey this Alter call made by Jehova Himself! Is anyone thirsty?!

Exercise Your Right

Romans 5:17: “Much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”

We have the right to choose!
We have the right to live!
We have the right to rule!

and God’s Word is in support of it! You have the right to take charge and have dominion. Talk to your body; tell your body what you want. If one of your legs is shorter than the other, tell it to grow out. You ask, “Is that possible?” Yes! Tell it to grow and it will. Don’t say, “I can only see 5 meters ahead of me.” If you want to see 100 meters ahead of you, speak to your eyes and say, “Eyes, from today, start seeing 100 meters ahead, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

This is the way to exercise your right to choose, your right to live, and your right to rule. Your body is not the real you. You are a spirit; you have a soul and you live in your body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). You are the custodian of your body. You can talk to your finances; you can talk to your world. God spoke to the world (that which He had previously created) when it was in chaos.

The Bible records that the whole earth was a chaotic mass and then God said, “Let there be light” and light came into being (Genesis 1:3). And then He put the world into order.

You have your own world. Your world is your sphere of contact. What is going on in your world? What do you do when you get into someone’s home and you find everyone afflicted with sickness, saying, “We don’t know what’s happening; everybody’s falling sick. Yesterday, it was John, today it’s Peter. The other day it was their father. We don’t know who’ll be next but we’ve been praying and hoping God’s Will will be done.”

They feel that talking like this makes them appear humble. But that’s not humility; it’s ignorance gone on rampage. If you hear anybody talk like that, tell the person to quit talking that way. Don’t sympathise with the person. If you get somewhere and they’re saying things like, “Oh, there’s an epidemic everywhere; it’s attacking everybody!” Say, “No! I’m not one of them. It’s not attacking everybody; at least you can count me out!”

What does the Word of God say? It says, “A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee” (Psalm 91:7). Beloved, you have the right to choose, the right to live and the right to rule. Exercise your!

You Can Hear His Voice


 Ananias also told Paul that God had chosen him to see the Just One and to hear the voice of His mouth. That means to have a revelation of the Just One—Jesus Christ. Therefore, you also can boldly say, “I have been chosen to have a revelation of that Just One and to hear His voice. The whole world may hear other voices but I can hear the voice of God.” You have been chosen to hear the voice of God.

Jesus said in John 10:1-5 that He is the good Shepherd, and we are the sheep. He said when the shepherd puts forth his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. The sheep would not follow a stranger because they don’t know (recognize or adhere to) the voice of strangers. Jesus used this to explain our response to His voice. For this reason, you can say confidently that you know and follow His voice. Jesus also said that if you belong to His Father you will hear His words and you will come to Him.

For instance, you’ve been reading these notes and the reason you can go on reading and believing is because your spirit bears witness that this is your Father’s Word. As a Christian, you cannot be deceived for too long because the truth is revealed in your heart. You can only be deceived for as long as you stay outside the real teaching of God’s Word and the teaching of the Spirit of God. So be assured that you can know His voice and you can choose right.

Knock Knock!!!

"I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone!”  Luke 2:10-11 TLB


Is anybody home?! I see you looking at me. Please could you open the door to your heart to me? Yes, I’m talking to YOU, the person reading this message through the windows of your eyes... Don’t panic, you have been there all this while. How are you today? (Look around you and respond)… You are the person God has been talking to all this while you have been reading His word and listening to messages and going about your daily life without actually knowing what you are about. Don’t be afraid, I bring you the most joyful news ever announced (about your true identity) and it is for everyone!

It has been all about you since the beginning of creation! God is interested in you. You are a piece of Him and He will do anything,  ANYTHING AT ALL to get you to know that he loves you and that He created you to help others find themselves and come to Him also. I will drop the “boldening” of the word “you” now, but stay with me okay.

You must be wondering “why haven’t I known this truth since? I could have done this and that and this, in fact I won’t have been where I am today, I would have been in a better place!”. It’s okay! Don’t worry. You are just in time to get yourself into purpose and help others as well.

I will tell you about yourself all over again because you just snapped out of the whole mind control game going on these days. Please pay close attention as I reinforce you.

God put you inside this house or this vehicle called your body when He created you. Like He did in the beginning with our fore father Adam,
7 The time came when the Lord God formed a man's body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person. Gen 2:7 TLB

You are this breath of life! A piece of God Himself, Created in His image and likeness, (designed to look exactly like Him and to have the same power and authority as Him, Gen 1:26). This means that the person, living in this body, looking at this note through the windows of your eyes, is God Himself. Halleluiah!
No wonder God expressed His frustration when He says
6 I said, “You are gods,* And all of you are children of the Most High. Psalm 82:6, NKJV
Your body was giving to you to aid you interact with the things around you.

The way you feed and nourish your body is the same way you ought to feed and nourish yourself. You only eat “light” and by this I don’t mean you should open you mouth in the sun light, hoping to nourish yourself as the light travels down your throat or grab a bite of the electric bulb in your room. No, I mean you feed on knowing more about yourself by constantly reading and meditating on the word of God and praying to the father for more insight and revelation of His word. This is called a communion with God.

As you commune (share intimate thoughts and feeling) with God, you are getting rid of every darkness that was in you. Every place in you where satan, the “ruler-of-darkness” was hiding and attacking you from, is exposed to this Light and he has to flee.

 Let me make it even clearer, another meaning of darkness is ignorance, when you don’t know about something you are in the dark concerning that thing and when you know about something you are in the light concerning that thing, this also applies to getting to know who you are. If you don’t know about yourself you are in darkness about yourself and if you know about yourself then you are in light about yourself, Halleluiah!

With this simple illustration and this new awareness of who you are, pick yourself up, get on your knees and pray to God, say Jesus, I just saw myself; please help me see the You in me.

 If you have said this prayer, quickly grab a bible and begin the adventure to knowing how powerful you are and your authority in God’s kingdom as the Holy Spirit enables you. Amen.

Living in Righteousness

“For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God” TLB
Romans 10:10

Dear friend,

The devil has no say over your life as he did not sit with God to make you. In the presence of God, since that day Jesus Christ defeated sin on the cross of Calvary and brought you into His Glory, (if you have believed in your heart and have confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord of your life) the devil does not even dare to stand before God as your accuser.

What he capitalizes on is the fact that most Christians do not understand what the death of Christ has done for them and are still living under the law, waiting for "God's" purnishment when they fall. But God is not waiting for you to fall so that he will purnish you? Instead He wants you to make heaven at all cost, that is why he sent his only begotten son to die for you and by doing so He has made it this simple.

Scripture says, For it is by believing in your heart that you become righteous with God. The death of Jesus took away sin from you, every single bit of it and has brought you freedom and every spiritual blessing. Hallelujah!

 What the devil does is that he fights you in your mind, intensifying guilty, making accepting your forgiveness and righteousness before God impossible, and finally making you beg for what is already yours because you don’t know it belongs to you, while he initiates his own ministry in your life, i.e to steal, to kill and to destroy.
Lets look at this example:

John 1:1-3
1 Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God. 3 He created everything there is-nothing exists that he didn't make. TLB

And then:

Matt 4:8-9
8 Next Satan took Him  (Jesus Christ) to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. 9 "I'll give it all to you," he said, "if you will only kneel and worship me." TLB

It’s an old trick in the book! The devil tried to give the world back to its maker! Just imagine that Jesus Christ did not know that he created the world it would have been disastrous, JUST THE WAY YOUR IGNORANCE CROWNS HIM VICTOR OVER YOUR LIFE.    

 It’s a shame to the devil we now know who we are and we can use this authority to rebuke his skims and manipulations in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sin gives the devil something to hold on to in your life, but it is a lie that when you ask for forgiveness you don’t get it instantly, the devil has no power over you. Once you fall into temptation, jump right out! and continue on your journey in the path of righteousness.

Become aware of Christ's righteousness each time you fall and hurriedly run into this shelter of the most high, by believing in your heart that you are righteous because of Jesus Christ. This is the key to unlocking the chains of sin. This righteousness is available all the time, all you have to do is take it by faith. Glory to God!


Jesus has given us the right to rule. Revelation 1:5-6: “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”  Kings rule. The Word says God has made us kings and priests, not that He is going to make us. He has already made us; He is not trying to. And if He says He has made us so, then it applies to us now and it remains that way. Jesus has made you a king.

You are a king; it doesn’t matter what you look like physically, you’re still a king anyhow. If you are asked: “Where is your crown?” Say, “I will show you when I talk.” What do I mean? You do not know kings only by their crowns, for there are many impostors. You know kings by what happens when they talk. Let me give you an example.

Let’s suppose you go to an office and you meet a small-statured man, dressed in an ordinary suit. Presently, you don’t know who he is and, really, you don’t care to know because he doesn’t look like the boss. So you greet him with less regard than you would the boss. Then in comes another gentleman, this time much bigger in stature and well-dressed and you think he is a very important person there. Although, he is not the Chief Executive, you greet him, “Good morning sir” in a very smart and respectful manner. Then he asks you to sit and wait for the boss to see you. Now, imagine that while you’re sitting there wondering who the CEO is, the small-statured man suddenly emerges from a door, snaps his fingers at the big gentleman and says, “Hey you, come in here.” then you know who really is the boss.

After seeing the alacrity with which the big gentleman responds, it immediately dawns on you who really is boss. The next time you see that small man, you will greet him with all due respect because you now know who He is. This tells you that it is not in the size or material possession, but it is in what happens when you talk.

Ecclesiates 8:4;
“Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, what doest thou?”

You are a king, therefore, power is released when you talk. That means you must be careful to say the right things. That is why Jesus in Mark 11:23 said: “For verily, I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
He did not say, “Whosoever says about the mountain.” He said, ‘Whosoever says unto the mountain.’ It is time to rule as a king. It is time to reign in life over circumstances, sickness, lack, and poverty, as God purposed for us.

Give Your Dreams Positive Interpretations & Keep Talking Your Dreams

Give Your Dreams Positive Interpretations
Jeremiah 29:80
For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.

In certain Christian circles, many believe that eating in your dream is ominous; they associate it with the activities of demons. But could there possibly be anything wrong with eating in your sleep? What’s the position of God’s Word on the subject? Let’s begin by reviewing:

 Isaiah 29:7-8: “And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel…shall be as a dream of a night vision. It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite…”

 If a man eats in his dream and still wakes up hungry, it means he really didn’t eat anything. This therefore shows there’s nothing to eating in your dream; it’s just the imagination of your spirit.

Satan thrives on the fear and ignorance of people. If you had a dream for example, and then you’re uncertain about the meaning, satan could launch an attack against your mind by suggesting negative interpretations to that dream. Fear might then creep in, which ultimately could pave way for demons to have a field day. So the problem isn’t with the dream; it has a lot more to do with accepting the negative interpretation of the dream brought to you by satan.

So you ought to be smart to always subject your dreams to the Word of God. Don’t accept the lie from satan that eating in your dream is ominous; if anything, it means prosperity. Throughout the Bible, there’s no place satan gave people food to eat in a dream; only God fed people in their dream, example is Peter (Acts 10:9-15).

If you found yourself eating in your dream, don’t be afraid. Wake up and begin to prophesy: “I was eating in my dream; therefore I shall always have food. I shall always have plenty!” Don’t wake up crying that someone has bewitched you in your dream, for you’re a new creation in Christ Jesus, and every food you eat is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. Besides, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper, be it in your dream or in real life.

Tell yourself: From today, I always cream my dreams. I refuse to base the outcome of my life on the lies and suggestions of the enemy. Rather, I see myself in the greater light of God’s Word as the true victor that I am. Hallelujah!

Keep Talking Your Dreams

"And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. .. And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me." (Genesis 37:5,9)

Joseph kept telling his brothers his dreams though he knew they hated him for it.Their hatred and scornful words didn't stop him from speaking his dreams, and certainly couldn't stop the dreams from coming to pass. God can give you a dream of a great future. Therefore, it's expedient that you declare the dream with your mouth, and see beyond every human limitation.

Let me tell you something very important: some people will dislike you for talking your dreams. The world doesn't like to hear you talk about your dreams of success and greatness. They'll make fun of your dreams of greatness because they can't see beyond their noses. They can't understand that those dreams you talk about aren't of men, but of God.

So they jeer as they watch to see what will become of the dreams you 've been talking about. Nobody may enjoy hearing your dreams but don't stop talking about them. As you keep talking about what God is doing in your life, you can only get greater. It's important that you keep your focus on the dreams or visions God gives you. As long as they are of God, they will come to pass. Those who laugh at you will watch you grow and increase until your dreams come to pass.

You Have the Right to Live

What would you do when you almost lost your life?

What would you do when you lost almost all your stuff?

What would you do when your house got burned?

How would you move on? How would you deal with the emotional trauma? How would you handle everything?

Last tuesday, September 20 at around 340am our family lost our house due to fire. We almost lost our lives too and we realized, if we were not able to get out of the house that minute we are not here right now.

Sometimes, God allows pain in our lives to show His faithfulness and greatness through that. In the midst of all those things that happened to our family, GOD IS FAITHFUL. He did not even allowed us to get hurt. All of us were safe and we are overwhelmed by the second chance He has given us. A chance to start afresh despite it all.

Our faith as a family is to honor God and inspire people. It may be very difficult emotionally, physically and mentally but we will carry on. WE WILL KEEP THE FAITH AND MOVE ON. The scars will be marks of God's faithfulness to our family. Through God's grace we will start all over again TOGETHER. This is honestly the most difficult we have experienced as a family but we are truly grateful that we experienced it because we know WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. We are in faith that GREATER THINGS ARE COMING.

There are so many blessings in the midst of the destructions. We pray that everyone will be inspired and will see that the Lord is good. He is faithful and He will bless you us whatever situation we may be. THERE'S HOPE IN CHRIST. THERE'S NEW LIFE. THERE'S ALWAYS BLESSINGS NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT IT MAY BE :)



''Celebrate endings - for they precede new beginnings.'' - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

 I know their pain and will make them good as new. They'll get a fresh start, as if nothing had ever happened. And why? Because I am their very own God, I'll do what needs to be done for them. The people of Ephraim will be famous, their lives brimming with joy. Their children will get in on it, too— oh, let them feel blessed by God! I'll whistle and they'll all come running. I've set them free—oh, how they'll flourish!- ZECHARIAH 10:6

Dear Mr. God

Dear Mr. God,

Good morning, I hope You are enjoying heaven today. Mr. God, I want to thank You for the many many many blessings You have given me today. I want to take time to thank you in detailed.

Thank You Mr. God for the gift of life. Thank You for the opportunity to breathe. Thank You for allowing me to wake up with my family around me. Thank You for the bread prepared for me to eat. I thank You for Sammy and her life. Thank You for the sunrise that woke me up. Thank You for my winter jacket that reminds me to keep believing. Thank You for the chance to hold Mommy, I am so much blessed to have her. Thank You for allowing me to grow every day through the struggles and challenges I face. Thank You for my legs and arms that allows me to dance and worship. Thank You for the music that we enjoy.

Mr. God, I praise and worship You for every gift that You have placed in my life, I don’t really deserve it but because You love me so much, I experience it. Thank You very very much.

You love me so much and I love You less but still You love me!

Thank You, I am excited to journey with You today.

I love you Mr. God

Your princesss-

the ring on my finger

I know people have been wondering and asking about the ring on my finger. WAIT, I CAN EXPLAIN! :) I am not yet engaged and i am still single :) LOL

February 13 this year, my sister and I decided to buy a ring that will signify something in our lives. It's a purity ring. We made a commitment before God, before each other and before our future husbands to stay pure.

Since I came to know the Lord, I really decided to stay pure and faithful for two reasons: I WANT TO HONOR GOD AND I WANT TO HONOR MY FUTURE HUSBAND. I envisioned myself on my wedding day with pride knowing that I honored my husband and waited for him with all my heart. I also place a high value on relationships :)

I believe, my future husband deserves my faithfulness. In this season of waiting and in this world full of temptations this ring would remind me of my commitment to stay pure and faithful to the Lord and to my hubby. :) I know all the waiting would be so worth it.

I know through God's grace purity is possible :)

"Lord, more than anything in this world we want an intimate, pure relationship with You. We want to glorify You in every aspect of our lives. Use this time to underscore our spiritual relationship. We are in You. We are Your body. We are the bride. You are the Groom. Before we can seek to be pure before each other, we must be pure before You. Thank You, Father that purity is attainable through the gift of Jesus on the cross. Teach us what it means to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. This is something we cannot do without You. So we claim You as our Lord and our Guide. In the pure name of Christ we pray. Amen."

Repent of Sin and Repent of Religion.

Most people don’t want to repent of their sin because they don’t want to become religious but there’s a difference between Religion and the Gospel.
  1. Religion says if you’ll obey God then He’ll love you (i.e. God doesn’t love you unless you make Him by doing good things) but the Gospel says because God loves you then you want to obey Him (i.e. God can’t love you anymore or less but you want to obey Him because you know He loves you).
  2. Religion says the world is filled with Good people and Bad people but the Gospel says the world is filled with Bad people and Jesus.
  3. Religion says that hardship is punishment from God but the Gospel says God does not punish us because Jesus was punished for us but in love He corrects us.
  4. Religious people tend to use God for one reason or the other but the Gospel is not about getting from God it’s about getting God.
  5. Religion focuses on visible sin; hence it has lots of external rules about how everyone should look and behave but the Gospel is less about the visible and more about the invisible.
  6. Religion is about self-righteousness but the Gospel is about gift-righteousness (2nd Corinthians 5: 21); so it’s not about me but Jesus or the life I’ve lived but the life He lived or the sacrifice I need to make but the sacrifice He’s made.
  7. Religion ends up in either pride or despair but the Gospel leads to humility and joy.


This how much God cares for all of you

The Lord is my Shepherd = That's Relationship
I shall not want = That's provision
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures = That's Rest
He leadeth me beside the still waters = That's Refreshment
He restoreth my soul = That's Healing
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness = That's Guidance
For His name sake = That's Purpose
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death = That's Testing
I will fear no evil = That's Protection
For Thou art with me = That's Faithfulness
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me = That's Discipline
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies = That's Hope
Thou annointest my head with oil = That's Consecration
My cup runneth over = That's Abundance
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life = That's Blessing
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord = That's Security
Forever = That's Eternity


As you go on with life, some people come and they go.
others stay close no matter what.
There are just a few people who have moved from being just friends to being an important part of your life.
These people have blessed you more than they even know and you should appreciate them always.
So today I appreciate two of the rarest beings on earth:

Okey Anyawu thank you for the gift of ur love, thank you for being  a big brother
I know I dont say this often and many times it seems like i dont appreciate you but i need you to know that i appreciate you and i really do love you. I dont remember how my life around here was before we met and i certainly dont want to.
You have been a friend, my pastor and my brother....what more can i ask for.

Daniel Addo you have been a blessing to my life and Im really grateful. Not many people can get to me the way you have and trust me when i say it has been one of the best experiences of my life. My kidney, my friend, my pastor, my best musician and my brother.Im glad i dont hav 2 think about not knowin u... I love you so very much and no matter what i always have u in my heart

the selfworth series.


My heart goes out to every young person living in this present time and age. Young guy, young gurl, my heart goes out to you. I feel your pain, your struggle for recognition, your guilt, and fears for the future. I feel your loneliness, your issues, and your feelings of rejection, inferiority feelings, your struggle with habits, and a whole lot of other issues that you deal with. I know you’ve had some lonely days. Made mistakes and had to pay. Had some friends that walked away from you and left you feeling blue.

I certainly cannot say that I know exactly what you are facing, neither can I pride myself as having all the solutions to your problems, I only want us to get down and be real for a moment. Guys you know what I’m talking about–you often try to get down to business with that gurl-part of which may be the reason for your struggle.

Young people are sometimes faced with the crave to hit lime light, want to make mega bucks-we all want to be the talk of our friends, rule our game, and nobody wants to be left out. Sometimes we struggle to find where out where you fit, leaving you sometimes with more wrong options than right i.e. cliques, clubs, gangs, sex, drugs, alcohol.

I also want to talk about the abuse some of us have experienced. Abuse simply means abnormal use. Someone used you wrongly, either sexually, emotionally, or physically.
Someone took advantage of your vulnerability, and caused you pain. Lots of our ladies and guys have been abused, molested, heart broken, depressed and frustrated. Now years have come and gone and you still have sad memories. It’s amazing that so much has happened to us with the passing of this short time we’ve spent here.

Well all I have just done is to highlight some of the issues we are faced with as young people, and I bet you don’t feel good about your experiences so far.


She heard the door bell, was griped by her constant feeling of fear, she had been in this apartment for a long while now. She had to hide herself from those who she felt had oppressed her. Now she found herself in her own prison and would not allow any stranger in, even if he had come with good intensions. Locked up in the prison of her mind all she needed was someone who understood her for who she was and she did
not want to be taken advantage of any longer. Fact was she had been hurting. Truth is that there was a way out of her dilemma. All she had to do was find it.

Unhealthy Comparisons

Unhealthy Comparisons

II Corinthians 10:12: For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

As a young man, living in these times, i am often faced with diverse temptations and so often conflicted within myself; having a part of me desiring to stay focused, yet another part desiring to let loose and go with the flow. One side wanting so bad to remain on the straight and narrow, yet another desiring to explore the broad way!

Perhaps the highest point of pressure for me, comes from the innate desire to be like everyone else. That is to own what others own, to wear what is in vogue, to drive what others drive or to put it in downtown slang, the desire to be the “happening guy.” I have found myself doing things not because i want to do them, but because I'm trying to keep at par with other people.

To be honest, life for most young people is like this: constantly in the rat race for “reps”. Wanting to be the one everyone looks up to and willing to do anything to be that person! Willing to live beyond your means just to be hailed and admired! Willing to go against your values and give your time and energy to a cause you don’t really believe in. I’ve been there, i’ve done that and here’s what i’ve learnt!

Comparing yourself with others is as aimless as racing on a highway with totally random cars; each car has a different destination! In a regular race setting, there is a goal and a finish line and so it makes sense to compete. But on the highway, one car is going home, the other to the office and another to school and so therefore, racing random cars makes no sense.

It’s the same with life! We all have specific paths and different purposes. We are all here for a different assignment and we are all heading for a different destination. It is important to find your own path and walk your own path, making choices that take you further towards your own finish line!

Apostle Paul says it is a lack of wisdom to engage in comparisons. He undoubtedly has an understanding of our different purposes and assignments! He understood that he had no reason to be jealous of Peter, because while Peter had been called to the Jews, he had been called to the Gentiles! He understood that Peter’s assignment was different from his and so he saw no need to compete. (Gal 2:7-8)

The problem with most of us is, we have not yet found our own assignment and so everyone’s life looks attractive. An understanding of your purpose will help you streamline your life, so you make decisions that move you towards your goal; thus removing the need for competition.

2 Cor 10:13(THE LIVING BIBLE) - But we will not boast of authority we do not have. Our goal is to measure up to God’s plan for us..”

Such profound words! “Our goal is to measure up to God’s plan for us.” This should be our goal in life! No to be like another, but to measure up to God’s plan and purpose for us! We are therefore in a competition not with others, but with ourselves! That is the competition God approves of! The unsatisfied feeling of living below purpose!

Refuse to compete, instead compel yourself to measure up to God’s plan! I have found that you can’t do both at the same time! It is either one or the other! Which will you choose?

You're Amazing...Just the way you are!

Just the way you are...

Exodus 4: 10-12 But Moses said to the LORD, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Then the LORD said to him, “Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”

Have you ever been in the place where you have dreams that seem bigger than you? Or an assignment that you are CLEARLY inadequate for. Those times when you feel like what you're being asked to do is beyond your resources and above your ability. Times when your age appears to be a limiting factor and you don't have the family background to backup your dreams. That feeling of "I'm not good enough', "I'm not smart enough", "I"m not pretty enough."

Moses undoubtedly found himself in this situation; with a task so gigantic, it quickly reminded him of all his inabilities, weaknesses and flaws. He had God asking him to go back to Egypt; the same Egypt he ran away from, after killing a man. Not only was he to return to the place of his fall, he was to go there now as the voice of God, bringing a message of deliverance to the children of israel, who had been captives of Egypt for many years. Because of how long they had suffered captivity, Moses realized how grave a message he would be bringing the Israelites.

I can imagine that he played pictures of the people's reaction to his message: "Really? God wants to deliver us? After this much time? Are you crazy? Where has he been all these years?" Moses must have feared the mass mockery that awaited him! He was not only faced with the task of one difficult audience but two. He not only had to address the Israelites but also Pharaoh - The King of Egypt. The most powerful world ruler at the time. Moses was to bring Pharaoh the command of a God unknown to him, saying "Let my people go." Surely you can see that this was no small task.

Of all this, what i find most interesting, is the fact that God would choose a man like Moses for a task like this. Moses in Exodus 4:10 does a good job of spelling out the obvious flaws that completely disqualify him for this task. You would think that if God was sending someone to Pharaoh to deliver his people, he would send a mighty warrior, skilled in the art of war, understanding the dimensions of the battlefield and vast in battle strategies. Or at least a charismatic leader, eloquent enough to motivate the people to war against Egypt! But definitely not Moses, who is meek and in his own words,"slow of speech".

Do not think for one second that God was oblivious to Moses' speech impediment, for He is God! He not only knows all things but he foreknew all things. Moreover, Moses said in the text above "i am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant.." It therefore means that for the duration of their conversation, moses' slow speech was manifested. Therefore God had total knowledge of his inadequacy, yet He chose him!

By human standards, Moses should not be chosen! All the statistics are against him and he shows no signs of a leader powerful enough to confront Pharaoh! He is not only inadequate, he is aware of it and shows signs of one that has been crippled by it! However, this is the beauty of our God! How he can by-pass the earthen vessel and see the treasure within. He sees us for who we really are and yet choses us inspite of our flaws and weaknesses. He manifests the genuiness of his love for us, for true love is being fully aware of a person's weaknesses, yet choosing that person. God specializes in taking the weak and using them to do great things! Therein lies the key, he uses them! In other words, it was never about their ability, it was always about His backing.

2 cor 4:7 - But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Our weaknesses only prove, that though we may be used, His grace is the power within. It's never about what you have or don't have, what you can do or not do, who you know or don't know, it's about his grace! The excellency of the power is of God, and not of us! In the words of Apostle Paul, "I am what i am, by the grace of God." When we remove the focus from ourselves, and place it where it really belongs, we soon realize that nothing is impossible, for "I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST, who strengthens me! (Phil 3:13).

I feel like we are always under pressure to "work on our weaknesses" and trust me, that is a great thing to do. However, never for one second think that God will not use you because of your flaws. God thinks you're amazing,just the way you are! His strength is made perfect in your weaknesses! In other words, His strength is perfected in the weakest of people!

Though like Moses, you may appear disadvantaged and have statistics constantly tell you why you can't achieve your dreams, i bring you good news, HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU! Look through the scriptures, how God will by-pass a man like Eliab, of great kingly stature and choose David the shepherd boy, how he will use four lepers to scare away a whole army of syrians and how he will take Saul the killer and turn him into Apostle Paul.

It may seem impossible now, but listen to the words God told Moses, "Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.” His Grace far outshines your weaknesses! You're limited only in your mind, for within you is God's ability! You are amazing..Just the way you are!

Loving your Father

Hi guys, was just going about my daily business and a thought just popped into my mind which ℓ̊  felt ℓ̊  should share.

Each and everyday we are all busy with our different schedules but most often than not, we never fail τ̲̅ȍ tell a loved one "ℓ̊  love you". That's really sweet, only of course if those words come out as a deep and true expression of the heart. ℓ̊'m not talking about  the whole cliché thing people make it τ̲̅ȍ seem these days. ℓ̊'m all about the true, pure and honest God kind of love.

But Ђδω many of us take out time τ̲̅ȍ tell our heavenly father "ℓ̊  love you Daddy", "You mean the world τ̲̅ȍ me", "Without you ℓ̊  can't live", etc?. How many of us really take out the time τ̲̅ȍ sweet talk him and just love up on him and appreciate him just for being who he is. He deserves it much more than anyone in the world!!!.

More than a father, he is the friend that sticks closer than a brother, a friend that will never fail you, never let you down, always keeps τ̲̅ȍ his promises and always wants τ̲̅ȍ see you living a victorious, successful and prosperous life, a life free of stress, guilt and pain, he's all that and MUCH MORE. Why not celebrate him with all that you have on the inside of you.

Please guys let us all make it a point of duty τ̲̅ȍ use all those nice and sweet words you'll normally use on a boyfriend, girlfriend or a loved one. We should appreciate him no matter Ђδω busy we may seem τ̲̅ȍ be. The gift of life itself is just so much τ̲̅ȍ thank him for. As ℓ̊  share this, ℓ̊ 'm speaking τ̲̅ȍ myself also, ℓ̊  pray God will enable us τ̲̅ȍ do so in Jesus Name!

Your Future

You need to realize that your nation is important to you. No matter how rich a nation is in natural resources, if there is no leadership development, that nation will be poor We must choose the right way forward and make changes that will help us build confidence in ourselves and in our future. Remember the famous words of John F Kennedy of the United States many years ago, when he said "Think not what your country can do for you, think what you can do for your country". How important are those words today. Your capital is your mind. The most important capital you require is your mind. It's your mind that determines if you are going to be a success in life, or a failure.  

Your success, prosperity and your greatness aren't determined by your geographical location; nor are they determined by the economy in which you function. Your mind is what determines what you become. With your mind, you can change everything else, you can change the state of your nation; and also change the economy in which you function. Realize that ideas are more valuable than money. If you nurse your ideas long enough and discipline yourself in the direction of your ideas, then money cannot be prevented from coming to you. Polish and refine your ideas; and get ready for a great future.

Personal Development: How Relationships should add to you.

At the beginning of this year, folks made resolutions like they always do every end of the year. This action (resolution making) reflects a deep seated desire in every person; the desire for growth and development. Most individuals desire to grow and develop capacity, wit, ideas and resource. Sadly though, these guys sometimes never transform this desire into fruition. It starts and ends with desire alone. I must state clearly that desire alone does not make us advance in life. Our desires have to be transformed into actions, and actions have to be in the right directions for progress to be made. So many folks live passive lives, hoping that things will change and never really participating in their own growth. My thought is how did we grow and develop into adults? Did our parents actively feed us consciously or did they just leave us to happenstance? (If we happen to come across food fine, if we don't, fine). You can answer these questions for yourself.
 Growth and development only occurs when we actively make conscious efforts to invest in ourselves, in the area that we desire to grow. I have seen people who say they desire to grow in an area, or increase knowledge in another area, but never really take steps to start the process (begin to study something). You want to stop being sexually active and still you have porn on your external hard drive. How will that ever work?
 Furthermore, our relationships influence our growth and development in ways that we sometimes can't even imagine. For this reason, I wonder at the numerous young folks who make dating decisions without reaching an agreement on the "Rules of Engagement". Growth that cannot be measured clearly is no growth. There should be some yardsticks, parameters with which growth can be measured.
 Before you decide on whom to date, these are some things you should really sort out as an active part of development.
 1. Where is this relationship headed? What direction is this headed?
 2. In what ways will this relationship improve me as a person? What areas of my life do i want to be impacted by my relationship?
 These questions should at least get you started. You could develop parameters based on your unique situation.
 Trust me if you can't measure your development, then I can argue that no development has taken place. The sad thing is if you and I don't sort out these things, we may be hurt or be blessed, but that will mean that we took a gamble. Most of the time our gambles hurt more than it blesses. The guy or the girl you have decided to date has some serious influence on your personal development. Don't take it lightly. This is because you are connected to them emotionally and would most likely do what they say. Even if they don't have the resource you need in them, they could and should lead you to where you will find them. Has your relationship with that guy/girl really left you a better or a worse-off? Your personal development is greatly tied to the people you relate with.

Making Decisions According to Purpose

Effective thinking is thinking from effect to cause, and not the other way around (cause and effect). I will expand on this statement in the lines that follow.  Making decisions is something that we do on a daily basis. Some decisions have little effect on the overarching outcomes in our lives, while others influence greatly the way our story will go. Amazingly people pay little or no attention to developing skills that ensure that the decisions made are the right ones.  Just one decision could influence and change so much in time. Imagine that i decide to study in AUSTRALIA for example. I could get there, get married, have kids and now these kids will be citizens of Australia, creating a new lineage entirely, that could influence the lives of my kids their education will be different, the friends they will make will be different. They will grow up to learn different cultures and languages. A lot will change trust me, but these changes only came about as a result of the seemingly small decision I made to study in Australia.
 We all at some point in our lives have tried to figure out what next. After staying in college for four years, what next? After being a pastor or a life coach twenty five years, what next? We have all gotten to the point in our lives when we have to figure out the next step to take. At this point, there is always the temptation to do the usual, to follow the norm. To stay around what is known and has been practiced for a long while now. The Nigerian Graduate is tempted to go straight in search of a job, even when he or she knows that they are not the kind people made to sit on a job 8-5.
 Truth is we have to learn to think from effect to cause. We have to be able to see the big picture (our purpose) and then that determines what we should do next, and not the norms. Your goals and purpose should tell you what to do first in life or what to do next. And even if it is not popular, still do it. The next right thing to do is the thing that will effectively lead to achieve your goal (the big picture). The first thing is always a function of what a person has in mind as his/her final product.
 I have basically said in this note clearly, everyone should try to find out what their unique purpose is and let that determine what you do first, what you will do next and the steps you will take. Take the courageous steps towards your purpose even though it is not celebrated, as long as it leads you to where you are going it is fine.
 The education that we receive should play a vital role in making us thinks critically out of the box, do things differently. We should not have people sticking to something because society says we should. Create new ways of getting things done. Your PURPOSE IN LIFE SHOULD DETERMINE THE NEXT STEP YOU WILL TAKE.
 Finally our purpose starts and ends with God. Education does not lead us to purpose, it is only one of the tools that can be harnessed to make us better people. Direction comes through the Spirit and anyone who truly becomes a student of the Holy Spirit will never fail in life.

Effective Follwership Series

A lot has been said and written about the importance of effective leadership and the role it plays in shaping the future of a nation and the world at large. Several articles, books and other materials have been developed and designed to help advance the leadership cause. Leadership is said to provide a vision and direction that makes a difference. However, little or no attention is given to the role EFFECTIVE FOLLOWER-SHIP plays in tandem with Effective Leadership. Fewer books and articles have been written to help followers fulfill their mission and when you find 500 books on leadership, you find only 1 on follower-ship. It is even more disheartening that leaders are seen as superior to followers and are more respected. The relationship that exists now amongst both is more like the master-servant relationship, where the leaders are the masters, while the follower is the servant.

 Contrary to the stereotypes earlier mentioned, followers play a very vital role in shaping the outcomes and results that are achieved within organizations. Scholars are beginning to explore, examine and study the characteristics of people called followers, and how their follower-ship influences and changes outcomes. Followers are as important as leaders and even play more significant roles in ensuring that their leaders are responsible and accountable.

 Effective follower-ship is a concept that suggests that followers actively participate in developing and designing strategies that will ensure progress. This concept promotes the thought that followers don't simply remain as figure heads in organizations who just say yes to every instruction without having to be able to make contributions. Effective follower-ship suggests that followers should be able to take proactive actions to promote and advance the cause of an organization. Despite the fact that most leaders will prefer to have "yes" followers, studies have shown that organizations that have followers who are challenged to think and contribute to the process do better than organizations where people just do nothing other than obey rules and regulations.

 Effective Follower-ship involves building collaborative and supportive relationships with leaders and other followers. One of the major roles of follower-ship is that followers exert influence on the leader in a confident and unemotional manner to help the leader avoid costly mistakes. The bottom line is that followers are as important as leaders, especially when followers actively participate in governance. To know how important followers are, one can take a look at the recent happenings in the Arab world. Citizens have demanded over and over again that their government become more accountable and have asked that their leaders step aside if they wouldn't provide the ideals, or create a better well being for the people.

Think about all that has been discussed here and imagine that Nigeria is the organization that obviously has leaders running things already. Followers (in these case citizens) can decide to play active roles by ensuring that leaders are accountable for their actions. We need a Nigeria where an education does not help people to only conform to the status-quo, rather an education and interactions help people to engage in productive and active reasoning, think and be creative. Followers must learn to begin to do things differently. I know I have not exhausted this subject but I must make it clear the message I intend to pass with this...the leaders matter, but effective follower-ship matters  even much more.

 God bless you

Effective Follwership Series

A lot has been said and written about the importance of effective leadership and the role it plays in shaping the future of a nation and the world at large. Several articles, books and other materials have been developed and designed to help advance the leadership cause. Leadership is said to provide a vision and direction that makes a difference. However, little or no attention is given to the role EFFECTIVE FOLLOWER-SHIP plays in tandem with Effective Leadership. Fewer books and articles have been written to help followers fulfill their mission and when you find 500 books on leadership, you find only 1 on follower-ship. It is even more disheartening that leaders are seen as superior to followers and are more respected. The relationship that exists now amongst both is more like the master-servant relationship, where the leaders are the masters, while the follower is the servant.

 Contrary to the stereotypes earlier mentioned, followers play a very vital role in shaping the outcomes and results that are achieved within organizations. Scholars are beginning to explore, examine and study the characteristics of people called followers, and how their follower-ship influences and changes outcomes. Followers are as important as leaders and even play more significant roles in ensuring that their leaders are responsible and accountable.

 Effective follower-ship is a concept that suggests that followers actively participate in developing and designing strategies that will ensure progress. This concept promotes the thought that followers don't simply remain as figure heads in organizations who just say yes to every instruction without having to be able to make contributions. Effective follower-ship suggests that followers should be able to take proactive actions to promote and advance the cause of an organization. Despite the fact that most leaders will prefer to have "yes" followers, studies have shown that organizations that have followers who are challenged to think and contribute to the process do better than organizations where people just do nothing other than obey rules and regulations.

 Effective Follower-ship involves building collaborative and supportive relationships with leaders and other followers. One of the major roles of follower-ship is that followers exert influence on the leader in a confident and unemotional manner to help the leader avoid costly mistakes. The bottom line is that followers are as important as leaders, especially when followers actively participate in governance. To know how important followers are, one can take a look at the recent happenings in the Arab world. Citizens have demanded over and over again that their government become more accountable and have asked that their leaders step aside if they wouldn't provide the ideals, or create a better well being for the people.

Think about all that has been discussed here and imagine that Nigeria is the organization that obviously has leaders running things already. Followers (in these case citizens) can decide to play active roles by ensuring that leaders are accountable for their actions. We need a Nigeria where an education does not help people to only conform to the status-quo, rather an education and interactions help people to engage in productive and active reasoning, think and be creative. Followers must learn to begin to do things differently. I know I have not exhausted this subject but I must make it clear the message I intend to pass with this...the leaders matter, but effective follower-ship matters  even much more.

 God bless you

What is Sin?

I write these things to you with great joy as we are epistles of Christ and Epistles read by all men. I share some uncommon truth with you today and i am sure it will bless you.These truths are often challenged fiercely by religious folks, people who have not allowed the light of Gods word penetrate their hearts.

The concept of sin, its definition and its work has made millions of Christians ineffective and has reduced their Christian experience to almost nothing. The sin nature came to the world and everyone in the world through Adam. After Adam sinned, the lineage of mankind was corrupted so that everyone born into the world, was born with the nature of sin. However, this is not where the story ends. God introduced a sacrifice, and Jesus was that sacrifice. He paid a price that altered completely the sate of things that were before Jesus came.

In the old testament, sin was regarded as the transgression of the law. Once you did  something contrary to the law (The 10 Commandments) you had sinned. But after Jesus came and died, the Transgression of the law was no longer regarded as sin. This is because  the Law was abolished completely. Now when there is no law, there couldn't be any transgression.

Therefore Sin is no longer the transgression of the law. The bible tells us clearly in Rom 14:23  that under the new order of Grace that Jesus introduced, it is anything that is not of Faith that is regarded as sin. Wow! This is so amazing. God wants us to live free and be able to enjoy all the provisions that He has made available in Christ.

Let me make this clear. In the new life that Jesus brings, whatever I do without faith is sin. If i pray for the sick and i don't have faith they will be healed, I am in sin. If I slip and have sex, this is not sin. But when i don't have faith in the mercy that Jesus has made available, then I am in sin.

Heb 11:6 says without Faith it is impossible to please God. Only sin does not please God, and if a lack of faith in God word does not please God then that tells you that my lack of faith is what God considers as sin.

Dear friends, don't allow the enemy to cripple you by the mistakes you have made. For some, it was not even a mistake, it was deliberate. Whatever it is that you did wrong (stole, lied, etc) is not regarded as sin. The lack of faith in God's ability to heal and forgive is what God considers as sin.

From today, quit looking for sin in the wrong places. Sin is found when i don't have faith.

God bless you as you continue to develop and exercise your faith in God's word

I wait

How I wait to see a place (Nigeria) where freedom is not just an ideal in the mind but an experience. How I wait to see a people who will dear to dream, wake up, pursue their dreams and achieve them. How i wait to see a nation where people are not just aware of good governance, but demand that they experience it. I wait for a time when kids will have the best of education in their own home country. I wait for a place where too many opportunities abound and where everyone has the room to become someone special. I wait for a nation fully healed from all the vicissitudes and challenges the people have experienced. I wait for me... because the change starts with me.

Unhealthy Comparisons

Its not a man's world. Its not a woman's world either. Its everyone''s world.

Imagine a world free from unnecessary striving, stress, struggle, envy and bitterness. In this note, I share some truths that will revolutionize the lives of as many as find themselves in these pages. I am sure something that I share with you will go a long way in making you free.

We live in a world where it is almost natural for people to strive and struggle to impress. A world filled with so much hate and frustration simply because people have misunderstood some basic truths. Have you ever wondered why people compare themselves with others? People compare other people's success with theirs. They compare wealth and progress with that of others. This is a very unhealthy way to live. A lot of people constantly live to impress. Constantly struggle to outdo someone else. People have killed, betrayed friends and constantly live in hatred, depression and frustration just because they see someone else as a threat.

I love the Message translation of the bible in 2Cor.10:12  SAYS We're not, understand, putting ourselves in a league with those who boast that they're our superiors. We wouldn't dare do that. But in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the pointThe New King James ends this verse saying Comparing themselves with themselves, they are not wise.

Wow! What an instruction from Paul. He says people miss the point when the compare themselves, grade themselves and competing amongst themselves. The world is filled with so much bitterness because people compete unnecessarily and  compare in unhealthy ways.

First Point that we should not miss.

We are all uniquely blessed with gifts and abilities.

We are all blessed with potentials and opportunities. This is one point you must not miss. There is no room for envy or jealousy. The lady should not try to be stronger than she is. Ladies its not your world. Men its not your world also...its everyone's world. We are not in competition with anyone but ourselves. We should strive to be at our best. Strive to outdo your past. Strive for excellence, not to prove a point, but to ensure that you function at the maximum. If you don't do this, you will be missing an important point. Life does not owe you anything and no one owes you anything. U will be the best if only you truly reach inward and bring out your true greatness.

You alone have been blessed to do what you do in the way you do it. Myles Munroe talked about his meeting with a friend and manager of a fast food place (BURGER KING) who took him to another fast food place (PIZZA PLACE) for lunch. When Myles asked the manger why he patronized his competition, he responded saying we are not in COMPETITION, rather we COMPLIMENT each other. Imagine a world filled with people with this kind of thoughts. The manager said it will be foolishness to stay with my restaurant that does burger when I want to eat pizza just because i think they are my competition.The manager said we have the same vision (fast food) but different missions (PIZZA, BURGER). The bottom line is, we all are blessed uniquely, there's not need to hate.

The Second point we must not miss.

Everyone is successful! I am sure some of you will ask did he just say that? Well yeah i just did and i will tell you why.

I define success as MAKING FORWARD ADVANCEMENTS. Whenever anyone moves from point A to B in life, they have succeeded. But there's also something that is important and that is INNER VISION (MINDSET). So lets define success again. Success is making forward advancements, based on the inner vision that you have had about your life and about where you are going. This means everyone in life is a success, only depends on how far they could see.

God told Abraham to lift up his eyes and see, that as far as his eyes could see, it was his. When we understand that everyone is a success, it will reduce the hatred and striving that we see in our world today. Everyone is a success to the degree they could see(imagine and release their faith for). So the guy who was only able to start one business and the guy who started 10 are all successful businessmen, depending on the vision that they all started out with. Understand that once you have made Forward Advancements in life, you  have succeeded.

So ladies, before you take up your feminism shield, know that your not in a fight with anyone, Its not your world. Men, Know that you can't go on talking tough and walking empty, Its not your world also. This world belongs to everyone who will truly live at their best. There's room for everyone. Stop the fighting and killings. Its everyone's world

God Bless you

Who is a Christian?

A lot has been said about Christianity. Christianity has been perceived to be just one of the numerous religions that exist in the world. Sadly, most of the folks who are Christians don't even know what they have and what they profess. Christianity is more than just a religion and is certainly not one of the substitute religions.
Who is a Christian? A lot of people have said the Christian is one who is a follower of Jesus Christ. This may be correct, but does not paint the whole picture.

 The Christian is one who has received eternal life into his/her Spirit. 1 John 5: 11 and 12 talks about this life that we have received. There are two types of lives. There's the Human life and there's the God life called Zoe. The Christian has the God life called Eternal life. So many Christians sadly believe that they will only receive Eternal life in heaven. But John clearly writes in verse 13 of same scripture saying i write these things to you that you may KNOW that you have eternal life.  He says that you may know that you have this life already. God has given us eternal life and the bible says this life is in His Son and He that has the son has life.

Why is it Important that we know that we have Eternal life?
1. The ordinary man lives by blood. The Christian lives by Eternal life. Therefore no sickness transmitted through blood can get a hold of you. John 1: 13 say that you were born, not of the will of the flesh, not of the will of man and certainly NOT OF THE WILL OF BLOOD. It says clearly, that we are born of God. If we are born of God, what kind of life does God give then? He has given us Eternal life.

Before Jesus died, he lived by blood. After He died and rose again He no longer lived by blood, He had gotten Eternal Life.  No sickness transmittable through Blood could fasten itself on His body. Look at John, He was called the divine. Why? Because they put him in hot boiling oil, and he came out alive. Wow! Now this Divine life is not for John alone. Peter says that we also are partakers of the Divine Nature. We cannot be sick. We cannot be destroyed. Eternal life had been given to you. A Christian should not accept any form of disease. Why, you have the divine life. Dogs have their own life and the things consistent with their life. Humans have their life and the things consistent with their life. We have Eternal life when we become BORN AGAIN. Remember that we actually become born again, born of a new life now.

Jesus said you must be Born Again. Now can you see why He said so? Because He wanted us to live life to the full like He said in John 10:10, you and I will be failures in life if we are not born again. It means all the things consistent with the Human life will be at work in us.

Now that you are born again, insist on having the God life. You should not just be legally saved, be vitally saved also.
Legal salvation is what Jesus did by taking our place. He paid legally. Vital salvation is the result that we begin to experience when we fully come to know who our father is. It is living in the realty and taking advantage of the rice that was paid. The word mixed with faith produces tremendous power. Believe these words and see your live take a new divine leap.

 Have a blessed day

No Limits

Hi dear friends,

No limits... think about it for a bit. Maybe you imagine that it may be true for certain areas of life, but not for the majority. The painful thing is that some people don't even believe at all that there should be no limits to what they can become through the help of the Spirit. When I say this I am talking to me the Christian guy who claims to be born again and still accept the low life (Still accept that life will be hard. Still expect to fail and shocked when you don't). Looks like life has conditioned us to always expect the negative, and that’s sad.

It’s amazing when you look at the way some Christian folks think! How come some people have lost touch with excellence? Some guys, because of the hardships they have faced, have lost touch with the realities of God's word. It’s amazing that some folks can’t even see God's word for what it is. I recently saw a news story on CNN regarding the German Economy. CNN described the economy as "SMOKING HOT"... meaning despite the economic crisis... Germany is doing so well economically.

How come Germany does not expect that things should reduce in quality despite the economic situations in the world and yet when you teach about abundance, Christians don’t accept it? They believe you’re only pulling their legs. God's people expect to fail, expect to be sick, expect that life will be hard and things will be difficult. God's people can't fathom excellence.  A lot of you my dear readers must have seen very beautiful things in this life, created by people who don’t have the grace of Jesus over their lives. Imagine how much more effective we should be as Christians.

If your mind can't afford to receive these things, I wonder what being a Christian means to you.
Ask yourself when your testimony will move from basic things to more mind blowing things. Who else should have mind blowing testimonies if not you? Honestly some of the things I have found from scripture, I am still working my faith to begin to have them. I am not there yet, but I will. Imagine exponential growth like the God's word shows it. 1-1,000, 2-10,000. One will chase a thousand and two will put ten thousand to flight.

Life is beautiful for us. We deserve all good things. But it will not just come to you. You have to place a demand on it. Allow God's word make u excellent, deal with character issues and make you an all-round wonder. It can happen to you. It should happen to you. It will happen if you believe

Brace Yourself. Get your faith to begin to speak. God wants the best for you. How much can you receive? Don’t allow you mind, experiences, habits and any other thing to limit you. You can be the best God wants you to be, without limits

 It’s no Limits.